Thursday, December 17, 2020

Sounds of Silencer

 I don't know if I can fully express my love for this character.  Her power set, her history, the boldness of her design, the themes.  I am speaking about the Silencer.  Created by John Romita Junior when he signed an exclusive with DC --  few have drawn it as well!    

Her opponents are cybernetically enhanced assassins, say that seven times real fast!  They were visually unique! Parts opening, chest cavities releasing weapons, then there was Talia Al Ghul, daughter of the Demon.  So there were a lot of great potential visuals! And I wanted to draw them!

So I did samples and explorations and redesigns... here is a part of my love affair with the silencer, maybe someday I'll get to bring her back!

The Origin Story -- as the Silencer lay healing in a Lazarus Pit, she flashes back over her life and shows her humble beginnings.  In my view first she lays in Shivasa, dead man pose, and as she heals and nears awakening she moves to Matsyasana, fish pose...  This was during my red and blue pencil phase.