Thursday, December 17, 2020

Sounds of Silencer

 I don't know if I can fully express my love for this character.  Her power set, her history, the boldness of her design, the themes.  I am speaking about the Silencer.  Created by John Romita Junior when he signed an exclusive with DC --  few have drawn it as well!    

Her opponents are cybernetically enhanced assassins, say that seven times real fast!  They were visually unique! Parts opening, chest cavities releasing weapons, then there was Talia Al Ghul, daughter of the Demon.  So there were a lot of great potential visuals! And I wanted to draw them!

So I did samples and explorations and redesigns... here is a part of my love affair with the silencer, maybe someday I'll get to bring her back!

The Origin Story -- as the Silencer lay healing in a Lazarus Pit, she flashes back over her life and shows her humble beginnings.  In my view first she lays in Shivasa, dead man pose, and as she heals and nears awakening she moves to Matsyasana, fish pose...  This was during my red and blue pencil phase.  

Monday, August 5, 2019

Scarlet Spider

When the first clone series was active, I figured if Spider-man had a clone then he should be fighting one offs of spider-foes, so I created the Black Scorpion...

Panel 1
In Sacramento Ca the streets are mostly empty at this time of night.  The clubs begin letting out at 1:30 for their 2 am closings.  The light rail is shut down, buses are stopped at midnight, cabs are few and far between waiting on the arrival of buses and trains.  The homeless have shuffled off to their nightly hidey holes.  Only those out on dark deeds are running their errands.  The Black Scorpion is one such dark doer.
Panel 2
Black Scorpion:  I sense Spider man nearby.
Panel 3
Black Scorpion:  The bars and the night clubs are closed, the only thing still operating is this bus depot.
Panel 4
Black Scorpion:  His death will give me a new lease on life.

Panel 1
Kaine thought: I can stand like this for hours.  I have to remember to act tired sometimes, adjust my backpack, stretch...
Panel 2
Kaine thought: Trouble! If it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all.  Maybe I should write the blues...
Panel 3
Kaine thought:  Got bitten by a radioactive spider, but really I'm just a clone. Got bitten by a radioactive spider, and never felt so all alone.  I might be Scarlet, but I've got the blues...

Black Scorpion: Spider! I will kill people until I find you!
Crowd: Gasp!
Crowd: What I got to do with this?

Panel 1
Kaine thought: Shaba Doo eat your heart out -- smooth as a criminal moon walk to the Men's restroom.  Must Google Shaba Doo later.
Panel 2
Kaine thought: Use my Spider Sense to check the bathroom, find the cleanest stall
Panel 3
Kaine thought: I remember phone booths, they were wonderful things:  A measure of privacy, a place to write a clever limerick, some had seats, not too much urine.
Panel 4
Scarlet Spider Thought: A little misdirection, come in from an outside window, and maybe I can catch my bus on time. 

Panel 1
Black Scorpion: You might as well come out!
Panel 2
Black Scorpion: You craven coward!
Panel 3
Black Scorpion: My spider sense tells me you're here!
Panel 4
SFX: Tink tink tink
Scarlet Spider: Pardon Moi!
Panel 5
SFX: Sacagawea!!!!
Black Scorpion: Spider Argh!
Scarlet Spider: First, you call me Spider man, then you call me Kraven, Then you call me spider Argh, maybe I should reserve my domain name -- it's Scarlet Spider!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Contest Post

I think the hardest thing to do as a non-working comic book artist is to complete pages.  Unless you have a story to tell you generally just draw covers!  Doing the fun stuff, giant splash pages, double page spreads, character designs… whatever floats your boat.  So, whenever a contest comes along it’s great inspiration.

These pages are from the Top Cow contest a few years ago.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Super Art Post -- Gerard Jones

I am a talented artist, however it takes more than talent to make a comic book artist.  There is support and luck -- connecting with the right people, getting in the right position at the right time.  One of the people who truly believed in me was Gerard Jones -- he would often send me scripts and get me opportunities to try out with various companies.  One of the companies was Malibu. I am opinionated as a creator.  I have particular ideals about the art and storytelling. Although the script might call for one thing, I might feel another is better.  For the first page it called for a yelling head, I felt that it was better if the character was gesturing for the audience.  From Ultraforce One

Finding the right people means finding the right teachers.  The people who can say the things that you need to hear to grow as a n artist. I never had that!  Few other artists were willing to spend the time showing me what I needed to know, art teachers didn't want to teach what I wanted to learn (this was during the death of Disney -- animation was dead), so I was mostly on my own looking for books, copying other artists

  Stylistically I pursue and duplicate artists who do something I like, I spend months drawing in a style not my own, trying to find what is interesting or unique about the style, trying to mine the art for what it can teach me.

The skills I learned about surface and technique were numerous.  The artists I followed were multiple, so I probably drove the editors that were interested crazy, they would ask for samples and each time I was a different artist.

I had hoped that the editors would recognize what type of talent they were dealing with and guide me into becoming the artist that they wanted.

Through it all Gerard Jones was there.  He left comics and went on to other things, but his kindnesses were appreciated.  He is one of those people who keeps me drawing and learning without the art being my main income.  Thank You Mr.Jones.
Missed a page

Monday, July 21, 2014


I've always loved Aquaman -- I don't think it was because of the TV show -- Filmation rocked!  There has always been something mysterious about natural bodies of water -- and my phobia of them.  I keep saying I will get a diving certificate and explore some nearby bodies.  Anyway, the Annual for Aquaman -- which I have yet to read was boringly designed -- kind of that generic somewhat reptilian monster that many artists use.  So I made some design changes...
I designed the male characters Grandfather and son, so that they would have similar features.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Birds of Prey

I am working to strengthen my textures and show my design capabilities. In the Birds of Prey samples I tightened the design on the Basilisk’s Battle Staff and cleaned up his design a little; in the fight sequence she’s doing Caporeira and White Crane Kung Fu.

The head gear was very difficult for me to understand – so I made it into Classic Japanese dragon with the deer antlers and a couple fangs.  Very busy! If I were allowed a total redesign I’d clean him up quite a bit.  The staff was a vague z shape in the Birds of Prey story, so I had to research and see what the original designer’s intent was for that object.  After researching I assumed it was a basilisk on a stick.  A Classical Basilisk is a rooster head  on a snake body with 3 pairs of rooster legs – in my case I used chameleon legs – because I like the feet.  As for the characters I made him seven feet tall -- why genetically engineer an average joe? And I made canary 5’6”.